For a view of Amir Bey's bronzes from 1981 to 2010 click on the photo below.
For a retrospective tour of SYNERGY Sight and Sound, a collaboration between alto-saxophonist Saco Yasuma and Amir Bey, please visit!
HOT FLASH DANCERS Copper Foil, Aluminum; 2008 URBAN ARMOR, 1983; Mixed Media
AMILCAR AND THE MERMAID, Sheet Aluminum, 8'x4';2009
SUPPORT, Bronze, 26"x22"x10"; 2010 One of THE EQUINOX CELEBRATION TAROT images
HOMAGE Corregated Steel, 9'x3'x4", 2007 Bellefontaine, Martinique
AMON'S HANDS, Faceted Glass Window, 48"x36" 2006; MTA Commission of 12 Windows
These are two masks shown in the MASK PARADE Series, Paper, Rhinestones, Acrylic; 2008-09.
They were worn in concerts by SYNERGY Sight and Sound
This is a detail of a wall and mobiles from the MASK PARADE Exhibition, 2008-09 |
ROBERT "BOB" BLACKBURN, 17"X19"X5", Bronze, Ceramic; 1989 |
THE HAPPY LANDS DANCERS, 9"X7"X11", Bronze; 1993; A water fountain and a maquette for a larger one
RECORD; Also a maquette for a park installation; Paper Mache, Copper Foil; 2005
A TRIBUTE TO LAWRENCE "BUTCH" MORRIS, A Series of masks and other images to Butch. Published in 2012
YASEMIN'S ROSE, Faceted Glass, 48"x36", 2006; From a 2006 commission of 12 Windows