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Written whilst at the STELLUNA STAR SYSTEM
© Amir Bey, 2010
February 1

This article first appeared in The Astrological Society of Princeton, New Jersey's newsletter in 2006 and is republished here with minor changes. I will be leading a discussion on EGYPT'S COSMIC RELIGION on Sunday, February 7, at 2 PM. For further info, visit their site.

Ever wonder what sex is like in another solar system? Uh, gender that is, not the activity! It’s possible that gender on Earth gets its Yin-Yang character and functioning from our planet’s unique Sun and Moon cycles, and also our position between Venus and Mars. Gender as we know it may not exist on a life-supporting planet in another solar system if it doesn’t have similar solar-lunar and planetary dualities that we have.

Pluto and its Three Moons

A pair of small moons that NASA's Hubble Space Telescope discovered orbiting Pluto now have official names: Nix and Hydra. Photographed by Hubble in 2005, Nix and Hydra are roughly 5,000 times fainter than Pluto and are about two to three times farther from Pluto than its large moon, Charon, which was discovered in 1978. Image credit: NASA, ESA, H. Weaver (JHU/APL), A. Stern (SwRI) and the HST Pluto Companion Search Team

In astrology, it’s agreed that the Sun and Moon, Mars and Venus are the significators of male and female. The Moon’s fluctuations and the lunar phase, which are the result of the Sun and Moon’s relationship with the Earth, is a fascinating measure of reproductive and behavioral cycles for all forms of life on our planet, from the simplest to the most complex life forms. Our Sun/Moon/Earth relationship is remarkable for the similarities and differences of the “Lights”: the Sun and Moon sizes are approximately the same from our vantage point; while the Sun’s apparent motion is regular, with its risings, settings, and declinations giving us consistent seasons, the Moon’s size and shape changes, and its risings, settings and declinations follow a complex series of cycles that can span decades.

And then there’s Earth’s position between Venus’s and Mars’s orbits. These two bodies are our planetary gender significators. Where the Sun and Moon could be defined as our father and mother, the husband and wife, Venus and Mars could be simply called woman and man. Could this relationship between our planet and those two bodies be an additional determinant of gender for Earthlings?

It’s been said that when we go to the hereafter, or when we’re still in the therebefore, gender does not exist nor is it relevant. Supposedly, before an incarnation takes place, we decide our gender along with other things, to learn specific lessons in our next life. Does that realm exist within our solar system and for our planet only? Or, does that pre-prenatal and post-incarnation realm lie outside our solar system, and do our “choices” for the next lifetime include which solar system we will be born into?

Let’s consider another solar system. What variables for living might exist elsewhere in our universe? Let’s imagine a hypothetical solar system, Stelluna. In Solar System Stelluna, there is one Sun that is the central star as with our solar system; it also has one sole planet that is capable of supporting life that we’ll call Tri. However, unlike our Earth, Tri has three Moons of different sizes with their orbits at wider distances from Tri. And as miraculous as our Sun/Moon/Earth setup, Tri’s three Moons and its Sun all have the same apparent size when viewed from that planet. The moons’ distances and orbits do not pose the danger of collision, allowing for regularity between their cycles. Thus the binary relationship that we have with our Moon and Sun does not exist there. On Tri, it’s possible for there to be two Full Moons and a Quarter Moon at once, or during another cycle there could be a solar eclipse, a Balsamic Moon and an early crescent phase at another time. Moreover, those moons could eclipse each other! How would that affect fertility cycles on Tri? Would there be four genders, or three kinds of feminine (lunar) principles? Is it possible that the closer moon to Tri would have a greater influence on tides and material growth, while the more distant moons would have psychological and subtler influences? Do moons always represent a feminine principle? Might the moon closer to the sun be more “in tune” with “male” solar energy, and combine male and female characteristics, while the moons closer to planet Tri could be more “feminine”, having more of a connection with birth and nurturing?

We may be able to get some answers to those questions by examining multi-lunar cycles within our solar system, where it may be possible to measure and infer possible lunar effects on planets even if they are far away, without earthly life, and possess thick cloud covers such as Jupiter and Saturn have. The larger planets have many moons: Jupiter and Saturn have over 30, Uranus at least 19, and Neptune 8. Some of them have larger equatorial radiuses than our Moon’s, which is at 1,737 kilometers. For example: Jupiter’s Ganymede is the largest at 2,631 kilometers; Saturn’s atmospheric Titan is 2,575; and Jupiter’s icy, cratered Callisto, with 2,400, and Jupiter’s volcanic Io, at 1,815. Others are not much smaller, such as Jupiter’s bright Europa, 1,569; and Neptune’s Triton, the coldest body in our solar system is 1,350 kilometers.

These multi-lunar complexes are very different from Earth’s one moon, Mars’s two, and Pluto’s three. It’s conceivable that their lunar effects are different, possibly stronger in relation to the Sun, since the Sun is distant and visually smaller than many of those moons. Alternatively, looking at the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, might their moons’ numbers and comparatively tiny size make their effects less consequential than our relatively larger and single Moon is for us? For an example of a lunar cycle different than ours and similar to our Stelluna example except the moons are different sizes, and Charon, Pluto’s principal moon, is much larger than our Moon is relative to Pluto. And also similar to Stelluna, with the Sun being very faint, Charon could have a stronger lunar effect than our Moon. Below are images that give us an intriguing idea of Charon’s unusual lunar phases.

Charon has a very long lunar cycle. Below is how the different phases of the lunar cycle would have looked in 1930, the year of Pluto’s discovery; the Sun was in Pluto’s southern hemisphere, at 53 degrees latitude. Notice that Charon is not completely round at its full phase, missing light in its northern portion:

Charon's lunar phases when in Pluto's southern hemisphere

Full Moon at center

By 1988 the Sun had crossed Pluto’s equator, and Charon’s phases exhibited a round shape during its Full Moon phase, as the image below shows. Because this allowed for a true alignment between the Sun, Charon, and Pluto, a six year period of total eclipses occurred. The Sun’s next equatorial position will be in approximately 2110, when a cycle of solar and accompanying lunar (Charonal?) eclipses will occur. That gives a long lunar cycle of 122 years between eclipse periods!

Charon's phases when at Pluto's equator

Full Moon at center
As the Sun proceeds further into the northern hemisphere, a less than round Full Moon again occurs, missing light from its southern edge. Below we see Charon at its furthest approach north, 56 degrees, near Pluto’s Summer Solstice.

Charon's northern hemispheric phases
Full Moon at center

For more information on Charon’s cycles, visit websites related to it; these images were designed by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory. To see more images of Charon’s cycle by him, visit this site.

Probably the only planet in our solar system that would permit us an opportunity to view and live in a different lunar cycle system than ours would be Mars. It has two non-spherical satellites, Phobos ("FOH bus") which is closer to its primary (Mars) than any other moon in the solar system, less than 6000 km above the surface of Mars, and Deimos; both are two of the smallest moons in our solar system. In Greek mythology, both are named after sons of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus). "Phobos" is Greek for "fear" (the root of "phobia") and "deimos" is Greek for "panic". Phobos is said to be doomed to eventually crash onto Mars’ surface or shatter into a temporary ring due to its downward spiral motion and its closeness to Mars. While neither moon will have the influence that our moon has or have the long term regularity of Charon, they still offer a glimpse of what the effects of a different lunar system and therefore a different gender astrology than ours could be.

The examples of the hypothetical Solar System Stelluna and the cycles of Pluto’s moon Charon illustrate how the character of a solar system’s bodies, size, brightness, and cycles, along with other variables determines what its astrology is. What are the essentials of astrology, the constants that could be found in every solar system in our galaxy or other parts of the universe? The phases between any two bodies such as our solar lunar cycle, and our year would be constants. What about a zodiac? A single zodiacal concept would not be found in every solar system throughout the universe. The cultures of another solar system that could have the concept of a zodiac would have different symbolism than ours, defined by different mythologies and seasons whose characters would be unique to them. However, the relationship between a planet and its Sun would still have equinoxes and solstices. Thus it may be more CC (Cosmically Correct) so say 275 degrees than 5 degrees Capricorn! We could also consider an astrology that goes beyond the context of a solar system; the cycles of galaxies and galactic centers - ours is located at 26 degrees Sagittarius. The cyclic and environmental relationships in the cosmos are limitless, as are our ways of seeing and experiencing them.
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